Hmmm....I wonder how the ocean's tide knows exactly how far to come ashore in the mornings and in the evenings. And, how do you suppose the leaves on the red maple tree in the school yard know when its fall? It's funny---each year about the same time, these leaves turn to a stunning mixture of fire red, orange and brown colors, without a command or without being fed anything different.
And did salmon get some type or orientation to know they are supposed to feed and grow primarily in salt water, but then return to their native fresh water to spawn?
A "big bang" (by explosion or heat expansion, pick one) doesn't bring new and continuous life to everything around us, so it doesn't take much to see we do, indeed, have a Creator who is the Ultimate Designer-----and He didn't even have to go to school for it!
Scripture Links: Colossians 1:16; Genesis 1:1; Revelation 4:11
To Receive Jesus as Lord ad Savior:(Sinner's Prayer) Dear God, I am a sinner. I need a savior. I need Jesus. I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose on the third day. I ask Jesus now to come into my heart and to become Lord over my life. Satan h; as no more power over me. I say with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. Father, help me to live for you, and thank you for saving me. John 3:16.
To Rededicate Your Life to the Lord (after falling away):Dear Heavenly Father: I confess to you that I have sinned. You said if I confess my sin you are faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I turn away from sin and turn to you, and I ask you to forgive me. I forgive myself also. Father, thank you for forgiving me, remembering my sin no more and allowing me to have right standing with you again. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
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