In conclusion, to be able to stand strong in your healing, you must first understand that as a Christian, you have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus, which means you are in right standing with Him. Secondly, if you understand you are righteous but you have unconfessed sin in your life, you are opening the door for the curse of sickness to come on you. If you will confess your sin to God, however, you can regain your boldness to stand against the sickness. No matter what you have done, if you ask for forgiveness, you will receive it! (We've all done some dumb stuff!!) Some other factors that can also affect healing are proper nutrition and rest and walking in love.
So, Christ has redeemed (rescued, ransomed) us from the curse, and He would not have redeemed us if he wanted us to be sick. As outlined in several reliable translations of Deuteronomy 28, here is what we are redeemed from:
Uncertainty or dread
Liver Disease
Panic attacks
Consumption (tuberculosis)
Lingering, prolonged illnesses
Extreme burning
(violent, fiery heat) |
Cold and infections
The botch (boils burning sores, ulcers, abscesses)
Wasting, infectious diseases
The Scab
(eczema, malignant scabs, festering sores) |
Recurrent fevers
The Itch (scurvy,
vitamin deficiencies) |
Skin eruptions (allergies)
Confusion of heart
(fear, panic) |
(disquieted minds) |
Severe burning fevers
Swellings in the body, sores and piles
Any extraordinary plagues
Mildew (jaundice)
Sorrowful heart (depression)
Plagues of your offspring (genetic ailments)
Flu & streptococcus
All the disease of Egypt that you are afraid of
And EVERYTHING ELSE that is not named in the book--it doesn't even have to have a name!
Healing is belongs to you! Decide today never to accept sickness in your body! Resist it with all that is in you! You are redeemed, and you are healed!
Scripture Links:
Check the Hope-Network archives for other powerful nuggets from the Word on healing.
To Receive Jesus as Lord and Savior:
(Sinner's Prayer) Dear God, I am a sinner. I need a savior. I need Jesus. I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose on the third day. I ask Jesus now to come into my heart and to become Lord over my life. Satan has no more power over me. I say with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. Father, help me to live for you, and thank you for saving me. John 3:16.