I stopped yesterday to read a framed poster on a wall in my home that I have passed by, I guess, hundreds of times in the last year or so. This poster is my rendition of Life’s Little Instructions (The original poster I purchased was probably adapted from H. Jackson Brown, Jr.'s book.). So busy living “life,” I hadn’t read it since hung it.
As I took the time to read it again, though, I was reminded of some practical advice that can help anyone on a daily basis. Here are a few of the instructions:
- Strive for excellence, not perfection.
- Return borrowed vehicles with a full tank of gas.
- Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures.
- Pass up every opportunity to ridicule others.
- If the peace of God doesn’t rule in your heart, don’t do it.
- Floss your teeth.
- Avoid negative people.
- Say please and thank you.
- Keep secrets.
- Be there when people need you (one definition of a friend).
- Leave everything a little better than you found it.
- Over tip waiters and waitresses.
- Call your mother.
- Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
- Never stop believing.
- Remember, faith is believing the unseen.
Of course, the wisdom in all these tips comes from the Source of all wisdom, the Word of God. Solomon knew the value of wisdom. He could have asked God for riches, long life or the lives of his enemies, but he knew he needed wisdom and understanding more than anything else. His request pleased the Lord, so Solomon was blessed with riches and honor without his having to ask. When we seek wisdom, our needs and desires always have a way of getting met. Seek God's wisdom today!
Scripture Links: I Kings 3:6-13; Proverbs 3:13; Proverbs 4:7;
To Receive Jesus as Lord ad Savior:(Sinner's Prayer) Dear God, I am a sinner. I need a savior. I need Jesus. I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose on the third day. I ask Jesus now to come into my heart and to become Lord over my life. Satan has no more power over me. I say with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. Father, help me to live for you, and thank you for saving me. John 3:16.
To Rededicate Your Life to the Lord (after falling away):Dear Heavenly Father: I confess to you that I have sinned. You said if I confess my sin you are faithful and just to forgive me and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I turn away from sin and turn to you, and I ask you to forgive me. I forgive myself also. Father, thank you for forgiving me, remembering my sin no more and allowing me to have right standing with you again. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
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